Atlantis versus Bombadil for loaded touring

Compare and contrast?! As a college professor, I feel like I've been
given an essay question. :)

OK . . .  here's the brief and simple low down on MY experience with
these two bikes for loaded touring - YMMV, especially if you are a
smaller person using a smaller frame size.  First, a disclaimer:

The bikes (Atantis and Bomb) were set up quite differently - more on
that below. Therefore, I don't think I can provide a *truly* objective
comparison between the two frames. How one sets up a bike has as much
to do with how a bike deals with loaded touring as any other factor.

Relevant Bombadil set up: 60cm frame; Tubus Cargo rear rack; Tubus
Tara front rack; Ortlieb handlebar bag/panniers; Schwalbe Marathon
Supreme 700x50's on Velocity Dyads/Phil hubs - 36 spokes front/40
rear; 48cm noodle bars/bar end shifters

Relevant Atlantis set up: 64cm frame; Riv Nitto big front and rear
racks; 36 spoke Salsa Delgado rims/XT hubs with 700x37 Pasela
Tourguards; no handlebar bag; using Ortlieb panniers;46cm noodle bars/
bar end shifters.

After adjusting with different stems, I fit the same on both bikes -
nearly exactly the same reach and bar height.

Simple review: I like the Bombadil better for loaded touring.

I have a 94cm PBH and I weigh over 200 pounds. I'm pretty fit and I
like to stand when I climb. I've found that standing often while
riding helps me to avoid a sore butt. I think that smaller, lighter
folks who tour on smaller bikes cannot truly appreciate how much tall
frames flex under load from a large, strong rider, standing on climbs
with a full pannier set.

Even on the Atlantis, with its relatively heavy tubeset, I found it to
be less stable than I really wanted. Although it toured fine, it
didn't really handle as well as I wanted on uneven ground with a load.
When the Bombadil came out, I saw the extra top tube and wondered if
that would be a solution for making a large frame feel better. I test
rode the bike at RBW and I was surprised at how light and responsive
it was.

I chose my rack set up on the Bombadil to maximize a sturdy, stable
feel. Everything feels tight and as if the racks are part of the
frame. Off road and on, and whether I was standing or sitting, the
Bombadil felt solid and predictable. Surprisingly, the bike has the
most amazing low speed handling with packs on I have ever experienced.
At speed, I find that most touring bikes handle just fine, but at slow
speeds, they are unwieldy - not the Bomb.

The only drawback to the Bombadil I found was it's size -
specifically, the length of the wheelbase. My Atlantis fit perfectly
in a standard Amtrak bike box. I removed the seat and took off the
bars, but was able to leave both wheels in place. With the Bombadil, I
had to remove the front wheel to get it to fit. When touring, Pamela
and I like to use public transportation occassionally. I was surprised
one day to find that the Bomb didn't fit very well on a bus front
rack. Thanks to a patient and accommodating bus driver, we were still
able to make the trip. On a commuter train with a hanging bike rack,
where every other bike hung perfectly, my Bombadil had to hang at an
angle due to it's length. This summer, if I'm able to get in a short
tour, I'll be fitting the Bombadil with 700x40 Marathon Supremes.
These will have enough volume for a road tour and gravel roads and I
hope they will allow easier transport and packing.

There you go!


On Apr 9, 4:25 pm, happyriding <> wrote:
> On Apr 8, 2:25 am, Dave Craig <> wrote:
> > I have a 64cm Atlantis. I love it. Currently, it has 32 spoke wheels
> > front and rear and I use it for long road rides without luggage. I'm
> > really happy with my Bombadil as a touring bike. It has 36 spokes in
> > the front and 40 in the back.
> Can you compare and contrast touring on your Atlantis v. touring on
> your Bombadil?

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