I've never used a steripen, but I'd anticipate that it would be
limited in the some of the same ways that filters are. It is a
mechanical/electrical system that has the potential to fail, so I'd
still carry a back-up. Still, I've always wanted to try one. Anyone
have direct experience with the steripen?


On Apr 7, 7:43 am, Anne Paulson <anne.paul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Dave Craig <dcr...@prescott.edu> wrote:
> > Ian
> > Ray has already jumped in with one solution - filters. There are
> > plenty on the market and most do an acceptable job. Main advantages of
> > filters? Instant water (no wait time) and no chemical taste/ingestion.
> > Disadvantages of filters? Usually a mechanical system that may fail or
> > clog rendering the filter useless; higher weight than chemical
> > filtration; most filters do not treat viruses (that requires water
> > purification/chemicals).
> What about the Steripen?
> --
> -- Anne Paulson
> My hovercraft is full of eels

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