Thank you, Joyce! 🥰😘😘😘 I’m so impressed that you have a work stand and work on 
your bikes - I never knew. Well, you are the founding Riv Sister and that’s for 

There’s a badge? I didn’t know there was a badge! Ok, when you say fix a flat 
do you mean I have to patch it, or just insert a new tube? I’m gonna do it. I’m 
gonna get that badge so help me.


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> On Apr 10, 2020, at 9:23 PM, JAS <> wrote:
> Way to go, Leah!  You're earning points toward your RivSisters wrenching 
> badge. Let me know when you've finished the other requirement (fix a flat 
> tire) and I'll send you the badge. Yeah, now that they know there's a badge 
> available, others are going to be flocking for one!  
> I see that a few people have suggested you get yourself a repair stand. I 
> recently bought myself the Minoura repair stand sold by Rivendell because it 
> folds up.  It holds the Clem rock steady and It's nice to be able to work on 
> the bike without sitting on the ground.  
> I'm proud of you!
> --Joyce
> -- 
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