Thank you all, this is really helpful.   

Jim, of course! I forgot about Sheldon, to whom I used to look to for all 
information.  Thank you. 

Including the tire makes sense, though I don't think I'm a conscious enough 
rider to feel the difference in ratio if I'm riding 32 or 35, but why not 
be accurate to start.  

Steve, thanks for the in depth response.  My ghost shifting is under 
weight, and given that I weight 230, it happens a lot.  My inherited 
cassette now has an additional 2000 or so miles on it, and I've been 
meaning to get a new wheel, so have delayed replacing the cassette until 
then.  I kind of forgot about how old it is.   I use Silver 1 friction 
shifters, but I also friction shift on my cheviot (9 speed) and it's 
flawless.  The rear der. is set up properly as far as I can tell...I wonder 
if given how much I may flex the bike, indexed would be better.     I'm 
going to look into an indexed downtube shifter for the rear (front is fine 

Thank you all again, I'm going to comb through your suggestions a few times 
as i figure this out. 

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 10:33:03 PM UTC-4, John Hawrylak wrote:
> Lambdo stated: " I have what I think is an 11 speed shimano cassette with 
> one gear missing to make it 10,"
> Perhaps getting a 10 spd cassette would help, assuming you have a 10 speed 
> hub.  Or a cassette which matches the hub you have  
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> On Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 11:59:24 AM UTC-4, lambbo wrote:
>> I haven't gotten far enough in my life to consider chain-line (does that 
>> just mean it goes straight back in the middle gear?) or gear ratios...
>> If it's possible to explain simply, and provide an example, could someone 
>> do so?
>> I have a Roadini that needs new cassette, I have a 46/30 double up front, 
>> and currently I have what I think is an 11 speed shimano cassette with one 
>> gear missing to make it 10, and it's always ghost shifting, and I was 
>> thinking it's time to do maths and make smart purchases for the sake of 
>> nice shifting. 
>> Help?  Thank you smart people!

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