

Yes the Ram is a 650 conversion which was pretty easy given the long reach 
brake calipers. I've had this bike for approximately 10 years now, and it 
has had many different set ups. The Ram is better on gravel as the tires 
are 42s with 35s on the Legolas and with the BB is a bit lower feels more 
stable than the Legolas.

The Legolas I've had for only three years and am still sorting it out. It 
is a racing bike and is just a bit quicker than the Ram when turning. I 
think I need a few more years to fully compare the two, but at this point I 
feel more a part of the Ram as opposed to sitting on the Legolas, if that 
makes any sense. 

The crank of the Ram is 172.5 while the Legolas is 170, which doesn't seem 
to be enough to make a noticeable difference to me. 

The cockpit components of the Legolas are a mix of Sram Rival, Red and XX. 
The Ram's components are all Ultegra. I do prefer the Sram over the 
Shimano. The Sram feels a bit more racey while the Shimano feels more 

My intent has been to find a new home for the Ram but I still like it so 
much I am waffling on selling it. 

They are both fantastic bikes, fit well and are a joy to ride. The only 
other bike I have had that compares in ride quality to these two is my 68 
Schwinn Paramount, and I've owned a few lugged steel bikes over the years. 



On Monday, February 10, 2020 at 12:10:46 PM UTC-6, Fullylugged wrote:
> Very nice bikes.  Is the Ram a 650B conversion?  With the setups so 
> similar, how do the 2 bikes compare in ride qualities?
> Thanks
> Bruce
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 10, 2020, at 10:54 AM, MoVelo < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hello everyone. Thought I jump in here and post pics of my two Rivendells. 
> One a Legolas purchased from a list member a few years ago. 
> Also my Ram. Please excuse the tires as I am awaiting some new skins.
> On Friday, February 1, 2019 at 1:29:13 PM UTC-6, Adam Leibow wrote:
>> hi all, i want to create a thread where you just post a picture of your 
>> rivendell(s) whenever you feel like it. hope this is OK w/ the mods. i love 
>> lookin at pics of em all day. i will start with my sam hillborne.
>> [image: IMG_3920.jpeg]
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> <Legolas.jpg>
> <Ram.jpg>

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