Hi LL:
For small sizes that you're seeking, I'd recommend a call to Riv. There's 
sometimes a hidden treasure in the warehouse of frame sizes at the 
extremes. I'm sure they'd like to sell them, if they have them.

Good luck!

On Monday, January 13, 2020 at 4:26:06 PM UTC-5, Lesli Larson wrote:
> Rich,
> Thank you for the notes and prompts. It's always a bit of an easter egg 
> hunt to find the right and still available Riv frames (via dealers and 
> email inquiries). I'm thinking the 47cm or 50cm Roadini might be the ticket 
> (raising an internal subdebate about whether I would prefer 650b or 700c on 
> this bike).
> Side note: I saw a really nice Atlantis build at the Rivelo shop in PDX. 
> 56 cm with 650b wheels. It would be a great bike for the right person. 
> I appreciate the notes on the Hilsen as well.
> Best,
> LL
> On Monday, January 13, 2020 at 12:13:49 PM UTC-8, RichS wrote:
>> Lesli:
>> A couple of non-Roadeo pint size alternatives for you:
>> - The Roadini comes in 47 and 50cm sizes. Check with Riv's dealers to see 
>> if they have your size. Possibly Riv has one hidden away in storage. There 
>> has been speculation about whether or not Roadinis will stay in production. 
>> I put this question to Spencer at Riv a couple of months back and he said a 
>> shipment is expected March/April.
>> - A Homer Hilsen comes in a 47.5cm size. Right in your wheelhouse. I have 
>> a new MIT Homer and a Sam Hillborne and I will say the Homer rides lighter 
>> and feels more roadish (to be sure not Roadeo like) than the Sam. For 
>> comparison, I might call the Sam a heavy duty rando bike since the tubing 
>> is a bit more stout than Homer's.
>> - Smallest published size for the Roadeo is 51cm
>> Best of luck with your search!
>> Rich in ATL
>> On Monday, January 13, 2020 at 12:27:22 PM UTC-5, Lesli Larson wrote:
>>> I'm loving the new ROADEO. I've been on the hunt for a go fast, but 
>>> still steel roadbike that would serve as an alternate for my heavy duty 
>>> rando bike. The Roadeo, especially one built by Nobilette, might just be 
>>> the ticket. One issue: I have a PB height of 75 so I'm right at the margin 
>>> of not fitting the smallest frame size (I'm 5'2 and typically ride Rivs in 
>>> the 50cm range). I'm tempted to try anyway since I'm used to riding bikes 
>>> with zero standover clearance (it's like mounting and riding a large 
>>> horse). Does anyone remember whether there was ever smaller sizes for this 
>>> model? Part of me wonders if I should opt for the custom option so I could 
>>> get something a little more petite (with same specs). 
>>> Also, if anyone knows of a used ROADEO or RIV road in a pint size 
>>> (48-50) on the market, let me know!
>>> Best,
>>> Lesli Larson
>>> Eugene, Oregon
>>> On Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 4:04:03 PM UTC-8, Jock Dewey wrote:
>>>> Hey, Y'all:
>>>> Pic of new Nobilette ROADEO on the site, with RH crankset and RH tires. 
>>>> So there ya go!
>>>> All good, right?
>>>> Jock Dewey / Athens, GA

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