Was able to source a pair from Mike (thanks Mike!) and received them today.
Supposed to snow here in NY tomorrow. Will give them a test. Plan to wear
over a pair of full-finger wool gloves for wind protection and added

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 4:48 PM 'Deacon Patrick' via RBW Owners Bunch <
rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Chris, Yes, the halfmitts allow for ease of gloved finger dexterity if
> needed. I've not used them, but they are a windblock for the thumb as well
> as a combined air pocket for four fingers to be added over a wool mitten to
> extend the temperature window into colder temps. Great if you are in a San
> Francisco like climate, where humid/cold tends to bottom out around
> freezing. A bit like the glomitt idea, but in a separate shell, like a half
> chopper mitt.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 2:08:49 PM UTC-7, chris feczko wrote:
>> Is the point of the half mitts to be able to pop your fingers out?
>> Honestly bike  pogies or bar mitts would proabbly be the best. Look goofy
>> and stay on your bike but they are super nice for winter riding.
>> Chris
>> Queens
>> On Saturday, 7 December 2019 10:58:47 UTC-5, Justin Kennedy wrote:
>>> I never had a pair of halfmitts
>>> <https://www.rivbike.com/blogs/peeking-through-the-knothole/halfmitts-are-essential>
>>> but I'm looking for something similar to wear over my medium wool gloves,
>>> mostly for wind protection (nothing lined). These
>>> <https://www.rei.com/product/136770/rei-co-op-minimalist-gtx-mittens#>
>>> REI minimalist mitten shells look decent enough. Anyone else have
>>> recommendation or, better yet, an old pair of halfmitts they're willing to
>>> part with?
>>> --
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