Yes.  They have to pre-order frames WAY in advance, and they have to 
pre-pay for all of them before they ship.  Their decisions on quantities 
were probably made 4 months ago.  The ordering quantum with their Taiwan 
vendor has traditionally been $30,000.  They normally order $30,000 worth 
of frames, and pre-sell as many of them as they can so they can pay the 
$30,000 bill.  They have to guess at the size distribution, and they often 
guess wrong.  They sometimes try to get some kind of votes out of people, 
but tons of people say they are interested and then don't buy, so I think 
Riv doesn't trust that kind of input as a predictor anymore.  It's a 
difficult business.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Monday, November 25, 2019 at 9:18:58 AM UTC-8, Edwin W wrote:
> I am having trouble understanding why they would put a cap on the number 
> or preorders of any certain size, color, etc...
> Maybe they already have the guy working on them and can't change the 
> numbers?
> Give the people what they want,
> Edwin
> Nashville
> On Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 1:57:11 PM UTC-6, Abcyclehank wrote:
>> Looks like all the XL Susie and Gus frames are sold out.   
>> Wanted a Green Gus but ordered the Blue because that was all that was 
>> left.  Huge RBW blue fan so no biggie.  Went back to order an Orange XL 
>> Susie for a family member but missed out.  Planned to call Riv about paint 
>> options so they would not both be blue and the last one sold first 🤦🏻‍♂️. 
>> Ryan Hankinson 
>> West Michigan

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