I've no specific knowledge of either frame as I don't do that kind of 

A better question might be where does a gap exist in your stable of bikes? 
(if you have 7 Riv's you may not have much/any gap). You cite the Hunq for 
the heavy loaded stuff and that you'll go load-free with no extreme riding 
on the Gus/Susie. That right there would steer me towards the lighter Susie.

Perhaps the best question is what do you prefer: threaded or threadless? 
There are pros & cons of each. Do you already have a bunch of stems of one 
type, that might inform your decision as well as it would allow you to 
better dial in fit. Despite his prickly reply, I do agree with Steve that 
the minuscule weight difference of the headset doesn't matter.

Happy shopping,

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