I'm curious if you dynamo users always carry battery supplements. I do; a
battery blinker (or steady light, for Sacula) in rear and a batter headlamp
in front; for "just in case" and, for the headlight, for use as a
flashlight if needed.

My dynamo systems are: SON 20R with Edeluxe I + Topline + button blinkie on
seatpost; SP + K-Lite + Sacula dynamo + Sacula battery; BioLogic (for 74 mm
fork spacing on Dahon; made by SP) and Lumotec IQ Premium and Topline and
button blinkie. Auxiliary headlamp is Ixon IQ Premium.

If many of you have put tens of thousands of miles on such dynamo systems
with nary a failure, I may start being less scrupulous about carrying
battery backups.

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