Garth: If my question had been serious, I would have immediately run out
and bought cookies. As it is, I have only to endure until Colin-At-Kelpie

But this itself immediately raises the question: *Which* cookies? Store
bought cookies are often, most often, offensively sweet; Oreos being an
example. Horrible things, and they won't by any means solve any problem,
let alone a fender problem.

Fig Newtons are the conventional rear-jersey-pocket energy food, and all
would be well except that Nabisco continues to put too much refined corn
syrup in them; they're offensively sweet. Damn them!

The Pepperidge Farm cookies are just meh; not as bad as Oreos, but hardly
Rivendell quality (and after all, isn't Rivendell quality what we all
aspire to in each and every aspect of our lives? I know that I do!).

Sometimes the cheap cookies are best; those cheap 1 lb brown bags of ginger
snaps -- meh also, but at least the $ to meh ratio is very low.

Long ago my girlfriend used to make me "Ranger" cookies -- lots of
roughage: oats, cocoanut, raisins; and just enough sugar to make them
pleasant. But she is long, long gone.

Biscotis: I think these are the Rivendellian *summum bonum*. But hard to
find commercially, and frankly, I'm too lazy to make them. And when I
mention the type, I raise the question, *which* biscotis? I refer to the
Italian ones, but the Italian ones are very different from New Mexican
ones, and I am sure that there are many others besides. Which ones to
choose for Rivendellian solace?

Patrick Moore, looking forward at the end (8/15) of the Dormition fast to
once again eating animal products, including dairy in cookies, in ABQ, NM.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 4:33 PM Garth <> wrote:

> ((((( Laughing ))))))
> The regimen ?
> Cookies
> That's right, cookies . For every whine, have a cookie, after awhile
> you'll either be so repulsed with cookies, or so fat, you'll take the damn
> things off !
> Hah !
> Or just take em' off and save the cookies altogether !
> Really, it "sounds" like you are running too close of tolerances to begin
> with, IF it's really tire rub that is !
> It might be what you'd least expect...... maybe it's just rubbing to rub
> You the wrong way..... that's what the little monsters do you know.....
> mock your sensibilities..... the things you take so seriously about
> yourself. They're like the heckler in the crowd you never see, but hear
> plain as day above everyone else. You can fight 'em (hopeless) or you can
> just laugh .... hecklers can't stand laughter, because it drowns out the
> noise !
> Take this "advice" with a grain of salt !
> ((((( Laughing .... there's no crying in cycling ! ))))))
> On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 6:45:26 PM UTC-4, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> I need to get Garth to help me locate and *!!!annihilate!!!!* the
>> hateful, annoying creak/whine/buzz from the SKS P65 fenders on my Matthews.
>> It sounds like a stay or a stay bracket is momentarily and very lightly
>> rubbing against the tire, but I can't identify which stay or bracket and I
>> can't catch it or them or he/she/it in the act. Every time I hear it, I am
>> tempted to stop and do a diagnostic, but efforts so far have been fruitless.
>> So Garth, what's the regimen?
>> Not that I will have to live with this much longer as, God willing, Colin
>> at Kelpie will deliver on my custom 76mm wide fenders before our 2019
>> monsoon season departs ...
>> (Reminds me of car problems that suddenly appear and then, just as
>> suddenly and mysteriously, disappear. For a few months, every time I turned
>> a tight right-hand corner, the horn of my 1984 Passat/Quantum wagon would
>> sound. Ignored it; it went away.)
>> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 3:34 PM Garth <> wrote:
>>> I once had a creaking that that seemed crank/bb related, took off cranks
>>> and bb, reinstalled BB with teflon tape, IO even tried light grease on
>>> tapers, something I've never ever done. Chainring bolts tight. Pedals and
>>> all that jazz fine. Still ... it came in went. "Maybe it's the weather ....
>>> yea ... it's dammn weather that did it ..... I'll blame that ! ".  Hilarity
>>> ensued .... it wasn't the weather ... sigh .  Endless thoughts of what to
>>> blame ..... to pin the goldarn crime on .... there had to be a perp dammit
>>> !  Who or what donnit ?!!!
>>> You got me !   I just said eff it .... ride on.  Months go by ....
>>> seasons change .... creakety creak ..... like a sneakin' creakin' bitin'
>>> dog that shows up out of nowhere.....dine-and-dash .... terrorize enough to
>>> let let you know "I'm around ... somewhere".... then poof !  ... gone.....
>>> for a while .... until the little monster strikes again.
>>> Well...... ((((( laughing )))))
>>> I felt like my old lady neighbor when I was a kid yelling at me to get
>>> off her lawn ....  "get off my bike".  And such is the delusional curse of
>>> ownership ... as-if anyone owns anything.... hah !
>>> So anyways time rolls on and ho-hum .... I need to change my
>>> freewheel(grease and teflon tape) and put on a new chain......  I just slap
>>> that KMC on there unaltered and wipe it down. .... and I ride. It sounds
>>> lovely..... liked greased lightning. I had been using Clean Ride wax lube
>>> for a few years until the quart was gone, times up.
>>> So far with the stock greased chain  ..... no creaks.
>>> I know ... it can't be the lube I was using ...... or can it !!!
>>> Ahahahaahaha ! Theories abound .... and all of them suppositions and
>>> assumptions.  I never heard any creaks on the first ride after an overnight
>>> application of CR..... but seemed to come on after a few rides..... hmm.
>>> Yes, it was a creak .... and I know what a darn creak is.
>>> At least the chain sounds good for now !
>>> I'm not saying this is the perp for Nathan's bike ..... but it's another
>>> "theory" and you know what they say about theories ....... !
>> --
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*Still 'round the corner there may waitA new road or a secret gate,And
though we pass them by today,Tomorrow we may come this wayAnd take the
hidden paths that runTowards the Moon or to the Sun.*
                                --- J.R.R. Tolkien
Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, and letters that get interviews
By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching
Other professional writing services
Expensive! But good.
Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique

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