Lovely bike and build, I've long regretted not getting one instead of the 
non riv custom I ordered. 
I'm sure you'll love it, look forward to your excellent ride reports.


On Monday, June 3, 2019 at 12:38:41 PM UTC-7, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> I haven't been active on the "Daily post Your Riv" thread, so this seemed 
> kind of out of place.  I've always been a 'roadie' first and foremost.  
> I've always had a bike in my stable that's a stripped down road bike.  The 
> slot in my stable has always existed, but there's been a bit of flux on 
> which bike fills that slot.  Regardless of the bike that fills my "road 
> bike" slot, in my heart the right bike to permanently occupy that slot is 
> the Roadeo.  For several years I've been filling that slot with placeholder 
> bikes that I consider functionally equivalent, but I've always been 
> confident that a 59cm Roadeo would be mine someday.
> Turns out a 59cm Roadeo cam available on I-Bob at a good price and I 
> jumped on it.  I had been so prepared to own a Roadeo that the build came 
> together from parts I already had in stock.  The only new part I bought to 
> do this build was the red Newbaums.  
> Frameset: 59cm Roadeo, Chris king red no-threadset
> Wheelset: White Industries, HED Belgium, Compass Stampede Pass EL
> Drivetrain: Rene Herse 42/26, White Industries Ti BB, Shimano SPD pedals, 
> Dura Ace 10sp RD, CX70 FD, Shimano Barcons, 11-28 cassette, SRAM1091 chain
> Components: generic carbon seatpost, Avocet O2 saddle, Soba Noodle bars, 
> Campy Xenon brakelevers ("gutted"), Shimano brakes, Cinelli Sesamo stem, 
> King Cage Ti
> PHOTO <>
> I've only had it out on one short ride on it, but this build has been 
> ready in my head for so many years, that it was kind of like "of course 
> it's perfect".  I'm certain I could go do a century on it tomorrow
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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