I was disappointed with the JB paint on my first custom:


to the point I wound up getting rid of it (well, the paint and
frustration with Rohloff maintenance).

I've come to the opinion Peter Wiegle is a better painter than Joe
Bell.  Or probably more accurate, whoever is actually painting in JB's
shop now.

On Mar 25, 9:44 pm, happyriding <happyrid...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Mar 25, 1:07 pm, JoelMatthews <joelmatth...@mac.com> wrote:
> > > Any chance you could be swayed by one lone voice:  no lug lining,
> > > please!   Subtle is better than garish.  Even two dark colors
> > > highlight the lug lines enough.
> > Not sure anyone could say these lined lugs are garish. Indeed, I would
> > describe this bike as very subtle and understated (along with lovely):
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/49353...@n00/4461108956/sizes/l/
> I would agree.  But I would also point out that the lugs are not lined
> on that bike: only a couple of the windows are lined.  On that bike, I
> think the subtle accents of the lined windows look fine.  Now, if that
> bike had all its lugs lined, it would look garish to me.  Try to
> imagine the aqua paint tracing every lug line on the head tube and on
> the fork crown in that picture.  I think you would see an explosion of
> aqua paint, which to my eye would be quite jarring.
> Also, in my opinion, for lug lines to look good, they have to be
> painted with the utmost precision--like Joe Bell does them.  Lug lines
> draw your attention to them, and sloppy lug lines are very noticeable.

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