Here's my Clem with newly-taped-and-shellaced Chocomoose bars and my
"new" Sack and "new" B17 from list members (thanks!). I improvised a
way to attach an old Wald basket I have to my Pletscher rack because I
couldn't find my zip ties at the moment and I wanted to go out with my
new sack. Two-minute project. The Irish strap is there to secure the
side closest to the saddle and also tie a handle down so the sack
doesn't go flying if I hit a bump. While I was working on my bike, my
son decided to bling out his bike with extra reflectors he found in my
workspace. You can see his bar-taped top tube, too :)

The chocomoose bars are great - I feel like the Clem is really dialed
in for me now. Before I kept feeling like it was too small and I tried
many changes between the saddle height and angle and the stock bosco
bars height; the chocomoose bars just feel great.

Have a great day!

David B in Brooklyn

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