you stated wrt to B132's  "The B132 has a shallower drop but a longer 
reach, otherwise similar but different sizes available."
True but the B132's have a very shallow ramp angle, about 5° vs the 12° on 
the B177 and more on the B135.  However the B132 ramp is flat and does not 
curve upward like the Compass AVA copy does.  I have B132's on my 88 
Voyaguer and have measured the ramp angle on the bench.  The long ramps 
(due to 132mm reach C-E) allow a hand position behind the hoods.

The Nitto catalog gives a good picture/drawings of the B132 and B135 for 
reference.  The B132 rise is greater (12mm vs 7mm on the B135) and the 
flare is less.

John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ 

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