If I buy, I will go with the fillet, since I can’t have my lugs and light, 
straight tubes like on my PERFECT Toyo Atlantis. (childish stomping on the 
ground, whiny pouty face😫). The fillet version takes me back to the eighties, 
and the high end, custom mountain bikes I couldn’t afford. I can’t afford a 
custom lugged bikepacker for wide tires now, but I can save up for the fillet 
Boots (gets up to put another ten in the piggy bank). Grant designs some of the 
best steel bikes in the world IMHO, so I will trust in that. I like the badge, 
the name, the graphics and I’m wrapping my mind around the dropped top tube. 
What I find funny, is that once I get the bike and ride it, all my drooping top 
tube dislike-silliness, will vanish, and I know it. It will be another perfect 
bike, because I expect it to be. I expect the details I have concerns about 
will be cleaned up and am looking forward to hearing about it’s further 
I was going to make new bikepacking packs for my Atlantis this winter, but I 
think I’ll wait and make them for the Boots. Making the frame bag will be fun 
(steering my brain to like the drooped top tube 😏), but am a little stumped on 
how to run the zipper without things falling out, or a wrinkled curved zipper 
that might hang up..🤔  I’ll figure out something esthetically, to compliment 
the frame, hopefully. Canvas X-pac probably, depending on what color the Boots 
is. I am getting slightly excited. 
MY ‘Nature Bike’, perfectly executed? (I much prefer ‘Nature bike’ over 
Hillybike). The drooping top tube bothers me esthetically, but will really 
appreciate the first time I don’t rack my nuts! Another word like beausage 
needs to be made up for the beauty, and the ‘advantages’ of a droopy top tube, 
to make it more appealing (to me). Any suggestions? Mumble....thinking......I 
was thinking maybe, ‘Notanutter’? Sexist. Never mind. Crotchless top tube? No, 
underwear....Nuttergutter? I am failing badly at this....Sexist again....but 
crotchgutter is ugly and weird. We need to seriously work on 
this....”Crochcanyon?”  Getting rid of the whole crotch thing would be nice, 
but I keep coming up empty. 😝 Mongol saddle....hmmm...Aha! I got 
it.........”The MONGOLOTUBE”!  Now that I have a name for it, and an 
appreciation for Grants description of the riding style of the Mongols, I am 
good.  Any better suggestions?  Now I need a name for the frame bag I plan on 
designing, for the bike I don’t have, for more help getting my brain to love 
the Mongolotube. 🤣  I am such a dorky bike nerd.....and the naming thing is 
fun, so ”The Mongolo pack”?  
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Love your family. 

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On Thursday, November 22, 2018, 12:41 PM, Joe Bernard <joerem...@gmail.com> 

The TIGed v. filleted price points of $900 and $1600 are interesting..I'm glad 
to hear one of them will be in the Clem/Roadini range. I can't see myself 
popping for the pricier option to get fillets on a 'bash it around in the dirt' 
bike, but $900? Yep, I'm probably buying that. 

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