My bike falling over is extremely annoying, especially when something gets 
broken or scratched. I cannot begin to gush how much better a rear triangle 
mounted, Greenfield kickstand works, versus a chain stay mount. I just 
cannot....I will not use a chain stay mount. I’d rather go without. Now that 
being said, I love my rear mount and wouldn’t think of taking it off. I’m in 
and out of my rack bag all the time and it does not fall over. When loading my 
groceries, I fill the rear left with some weight before loading the other bags. 
It never falls over. 
😬Esthetics(?) be damned. As with all kickstands, go light with the torque 
wrench when installing....WAY more stable with loaded panniers than a bottom 
bracket install. 

Crap, I gushed. 


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