Ok. Keep getting emails about the stem and the tail feather but those are long 

Here is what is left with some changes

Nitto Mark's Rack- very good used condition 115$ shipped with xl struts. 100$ 
shipped with normal struts. 

Tubus Cargo Evo- rear rack. silver powdercoat. great condition. 75$ shipped

Soma Portola Handlebars- will be pulling these off in the next couple of days, 
so no pics yet. 56cm width. probably a couple hundred miles on them max. 40$ 
shipped ( I think it’s gonna cost like 20$ to ship) 

Shower's Pass Crossover jacket- forgot to take a picture of this. size medium. 
worn maybe 3 times (doesnt rain much in los angeles). green version in this 
LINK - 70$ shipped.

2 rolls of riv cushy cotton tape- beige, new. 15$ shipped or 10$ with another 

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