Ethan looks as excited as you, and I am so excited for him and your other 
son, who you said will also be getting a "new" bike.  

Your benefactor certainly has made many people, including me, smile this 
week because of his generosity. 

Looking forward to more pictures of the bike and him having fun riding.

On Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 11:14:09 PM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding 
Ding! wrote:
> Today was the day! Signature required, so I put myself on house arrest for 
> the entire day so as not to miss it. Fueled by nervous excitement, I 
> cleaned. Nothing was safe in the frenzy - if we owned it, I cleaned it! 
> When 5:00 pm came, I was beginning to despair - there was no sign of a 
> FedEx truck and there was NOTHING left to clean! The tracking now said 
> “Scheduled delivery: pending. No scheduled delivery date.” I was about to 
> cancel tomorrow’s plans and had begun wondering if I would have to clean my 
> neighbors’ houses next when the doorbell rang. It was just before 7 and 
> there at the door stood two exhausted FedEx guys lugging a giant box with a 
> sharpie cat drawn on the top. The FedEx truck had broken down, but here 
> they were! 
> I hesitate to take anything out of the box as it is so expertly packed, 
> and I will be delivering it to the LBS to be assembled by people who know 
> what they are doing. But in the meantime, here is the proud new Clem owner 
> and his beaming mother, who both can hardly believe this is real. I’ll add 
> more photos and text as the bike is built and the rider gets in the saddle. 
> Thanks again to our Benefactor, who planned and executed this adventure, 
> before it was ever a thought in our minds. You are the giver of wonderful 
> and lasting things, my friend. We will follow your example.
> Say hello to the #SilverClem! 
> On Oct 17, 2018, at 10:39 AM, Pondero < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Thank you for this uplifting story.  I always enjoy stories like this.  
> They inspire me to be better than I am.
> The funny thing about this story is that when I read it, I thought to 
> myself...I know people who would do something like this!  So, when I 
> remembered the high quality of my friends, I was doubly blessed by your 
> account.
> Chris Johnson
> Sanger, Texas
> -- 
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