Drw, I hear you and I've been fighting the urge to be part of keeping this 
thread and the speculation alive, but I can't seem to help myself.  I think the 
rim issue is now resolved by grant's "2.8, not 3.0" comment.  The Cliffhanger 
might not be optimum, but it would certainly work.  And if or when it went 
away, somebody else would step up and make a replacement.  (I've learned this 
lesson the hard way, through years of needless hoarding instinct based on 
similar worries.)

I'm not in the disc camp in any way shape or form, but I'm now actually more 
perplexed by the "presumably V-brakes" comment.  Cantis are easy to comprehend, 
but V-brakes would need some awfully long arms to clear a tire that big.  Don't 
make me regret bringing this up though..

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