Sigh, it is only this thread, that has gone off the bike tires and into 
politics. There are lots of other threads. 

If you *support* the current Republican party, no matter how you paint your 
moral compass, you are still complicit. Morality is not flexible. There are 
no grey areas. I tire of people in society excusing themselves to 
themselves. The current Republican *party * is immoral. Not individuals. I 
am painting a broad stroke with a broad statement, and I apologize to those 
I have offended, but the Republican party is full of bigots, white 
terrorists and church burners. Like Nazi's. 'You' are either moral, and 
support those who are, or you're not. Black and white. This has far more to 
do with being good, and making the world a better place than politics. 
My male elders all fought in WW2 and taught me the lessons of the Nazi 
party and how they took over the morality of society. Same crap, different 
country. It's truly shameful. We are being conquered from moral rot, from 
the 'moral, Christian, family party'. Big eye roll. 
Guns and children getting killed by the hundreds in our schools. It is a 
high school social media thing now... Who can raise the body count and kill 
the most bullies? The NRA is the Republican armed forces for Gods sakes. 
More Americans were killed by domestic terrorism by far, than foreign 
terrorists before 911. Most all of them were Republicans. I don't know of 
many Democrats in that terrorism line up, do you? Meanwhile, with the 
Republicans support, thousands of Americans die every year from gun 
violence. Far more than any terrorist attacks from immigrants. As a 
Paramedic, I dealt with lots of dead people, shot full of holes on the 
streets, and 'you' didn't. Gun supporters don't see their children die on 
the streets. I did. Guns are a pompous hobby, dressed up as a patriotic 
right. Meanwhile your drunk neighbor just shot his whole family....(In this 
day and age, guns would never prevent a despot from taking over. They would 
just cut off the power and internet and we would be fighting each other. 
All they would have to do is  Make a list of the good and 
bad of each party, then choose the moral one. It is a very simple choice. 
Oh, yeah.....and there is that Trump dude. He has to go. And the 'killing 
the planet thing' too....we have to stop that. 

Be true to thine self. 

Clayton DD

(note: 'You' is a broad stroke to cover everyone who hasn't woken up and 
realized they are immoral) 

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