At the beginning of the year several folks posted about their riding plans for 
the year. My goal is to do an S24O every month. In order to give me some 
accountability, I have begun posting accounts of these trips on the CrazyGuy 
site. Interestingly, after I posted my first trip I had about as many hits on 
that journal as my other journals garnered in a year. So clearly this concept 
resonates with people. The rules of the web site require me to post these as 
separate trips, even though to me they are connected. The site is easy to 
navigate and I put a link to the next month's journal at the end of each one. 
So I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment in my guestbook. Just no comments 
about how I'm not riding a Rivendell -- at this point I am an "aspirational 


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