Unless you're leaving your bikes locked outside overnight, for the nice 
bikes I'd go with an Abus Bordo 6000 (or equivalent) folding lock for the 
frame, Abus Nutfix for the wheels, and an 18" Otto lock (along with a 
plastic grocery shopping bag) for the Brooks, while for the small bikes a 
Bordo 5700 and/or 30" Otto locks are probably good enough.

If you're always locking a bunch of bikes together, nothing wrong with just 
using a length of chain and a good lock instead of the Bordos. I'd say a 
single Abus 6KS (1/4" diameter links) 4' in length - probably do a "dry 
run" in the garage with rope to get the length right - with an Abus 
monoblock lock. The chain is heavy and kinda tricky to transport, but at 
least there's only one and it comes out cheaper for multiple bikes.

I like the Bordos since they're easy to pack, more flexible than a U-lock, 
and much more secure than a cable lock. I prefer the Nutflix to the 
Pitlocks for wheels since I really don't enjoy torquing nuts down with 
those Pitlock keys.

Good luck on your adventures!

--Ed C.


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