on 2/26/10 11:33 AM, James Dinneen at jfxdinn...@yahoo.com wrote:

>  I would take issue with the view that much testosterone is shown on this
> list. We seem to be extremely  polite and concerned with the feelings of
> others in the discussion.
> Here on this list, if we even think bad thoughts we get a kind and gentle
> nudge from our webmaster. So in sum, different views are great but I think it
> is not fair to imply that testosterone is rampant on this list of gentlemen
> and ladies.   

I passed the original post through moderation because my read was that he
was commenting about the testosterone-fuelishness of Cycling in general.  It
didn't strike me that his comment was directed at us.

I only read the first few posts on the blog (to make sure it was
cycling-specific), so I can't comment if there were posts about this (or
other) lists.

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
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"'You both ride your bike?' He held his hands out and grabbed imaginary
handlebars, grinning indulgently, eyeing Tom's helmet.  Double disbeleif:
not one, but two grown Americans riding bicycles."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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