
Sold: The Campee Rack, Nigel Smyth Saddlebag and Musa shorts.  

Still available: Quickbeam, Ostrich Bags


On Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 5:12:41 PM UTC-7, SpiralCage wrote:
> Riv-sters,
> I've gone through my closet and am updating my ongoing sale.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mCBx1fnVKd8/WtaJV-FKA2I/AAAAAAAAEE0/hMbOcSd5a4InqZmQt2MTLlagCrYtGozJQCLcBGAs/s1600/quickbeam.jpg>
> Rivendell Quickbeam 58cm. $800 Full details here:
> https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/bik/d/rivendell-quickbeam-58cm/6548824667.html
Quickbeam gallery:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/35237104136@N01/albums/72157633309416243
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qx9GrLjjZHs/WtaJdUsxbTI/AAAAAAAAEE4/mqSfKpQLvKcXJEw-kDwvWtcI-9mwb1nfgCLcBGAs/s1600/Paladin.jpg>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-E03yqmo8ttc/WtaLKI_V5_I/AAAAAAAAEFU/weeABRAeiIoCwmeRFckXvjbWrU55P7qHACLcBGAs/s1600/OstrichFrontBag.jpg>
> *Ostrich F-106 Rando Bag.*  $75 OBO
> This is the less tall of their two sizes. Includes a Velo Orange decaluer 
> attachment. Bag is in great shape, no damage to it and includes all of the 
> straps and the rain cover. I ended up preferring a basket on the front of 
> my bicycle.
> More pics: 
> https://www.flickr.com/search/?sort=date-taken-desc&safe_search=1&tags=boxybag&user_id=35237104136%40N01&view_all=1
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-egMEqFZz-pY/WtaL16izLiI/AAAAAAAAEFg/03gr2Jr4z9kLvRzoM_ox3ed_4a1HQFeRgCLcBGAs/s1600/OstrichSaddlebag.jpg>
> *Ostrich S-2 Saddlebag*  $50 OBO
> Great medium size olive canvas Ostrich saddlebag. The canvas, straps and 
> everything are in great condition. HOWEVER there is a metal bar at the top 
> that it supports it and it has torn through the canvas on one side and is 
> working its way through on the other. This never hindered my use, I'd just 
> slide it in. But I it could be addressed with a reinforcing patch which I 
> always intended to do. I just ended up with too many saddlebags, so passing 
> it along.
> more pics: 
> https://www.flickr.com/search/?sort=date-taken-desc&safe_search=1&tags=ostrichs2&user_id=35237104136%40N01&view_all=1
> Flickr gallery of all my currently forsale items:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/35237104136@N01/albums/72157692626924302
> thanks for reading,
> Robert

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