What would be the major advantage of a custom over a Rivendell? The only 
benefit I would see is if you wanted s bike that was different from Grant’s 
vision, perhaps a disc frame bike. Perhaps there is a perception a custom 
builder can truly design a unique bike for each individual body but I am 
guessing most still have a few templates for builds they tweak for each 
customer. I am guessing most people will fit the RIv from Waterford as well as 
any custom. When you buy an Atlqntis or AHH it takes as much time to build at 
Waterford as a one person custom without the full Rivendell team to talk 
through the build. You also don’t have years of tweaking designs for folks that 
go into the frame design. I am guessing I can can get it sized as well as any 

I would love a AHH or Atlantis from Taiwan but understand why Rivendell would 
maintain the premulium for both models. I doubt here is much quality 

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