Based on my experiences with the LHT, XO-1 and Atlantis, 26" wheels
are great for everything except fast road riding.  Fat or skinny, it
always felt like extra work.  For me 650b is the perfect compromise.

On Feb 3, 4:39 pm, Angus <> wrote:
> The TCO discussion appears to be morphing into a 26 inch wheel
> discussion.
> My 59cm All-Rounder has 26inch wheels.  I have received a grand total
> of two comments about the wheels size during the 12 years I have owned
> the bike.
> One was "what's with the small wheels?"  the second (apparently not
> realizing the wheels were small) said "Wow, I've never seen a frame
> that big!"  He seemed so excited about the frame size I didn't have
> the heart to correct him.
> When I got the bike it was much easier to find BIG tires for 26inch
> wheels...650b wasn't that popular back then....
> Angus

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