Saturday was a free day for me. So I decided to ride up to Mt. Tam.
Weather people said the rain would stop but it didn't. From Golden
Gate Park I rode to Salsalito drenched. While looking for the road up
I get the wrong directions from a cop that took me 20 miles away from
my tam. into larkspur. After buying a map from a local gas station, I
finally back track and find my way back to the Pan toll Road. Weather
was looking good so I rode up the old stage road to the eastern peak.
Getting up to Mt. tam I run into snow, waterfalls and mud. I start
cramping up and stop a handful of times but determine to reach the top
after dealing with so much hassle. After finally getting to the top I
am greeted with fog and no spectacular view of the bay. Coming down
from the east peak I make the wrong turn again. By this time I spent
and I'm debating whether I should just call the girlfriend to pick me
up, knowing full well that she wouldn't because she doesn't want to
pay toll for the bridge. I luck out when I ask directions to a single
old lady in the middle of no where. She was apparently a park ranger
and was taking the bus back to marin city. She convinced me to take
the bus back to the city, so I do. But I miss my stop and end up
riding from downtown all the way back to sunset when my girlfriend
lives. When she opens the door I find myself laying on her carpeted
floor for a number of hours. Despite the weather, the lost directions
and seriously bonking, the trip was amazing adventure that I'm willing
to do again... in better weather.

Pictures document my failure here.

-Manny " Should know where he's going in the first place" Acosta

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