That's not a bad article, though some of both the pro's and con's are
nit-picky and not of real importance in real life -- eg, on the "pro" side,
that you can slap reflective tap on your rims' braking surface. Sure, I
choose my brakes based on reflective tape; and in fact, the light disc rims
don't bother with brake tracks. (And not all light disc rims are carbon
fiber, tho' this has me wondering about some nice carbon fiber 29er rims --
lessee, 40 mm wide, 375 grams ...). And on the "con" side, harder to
maintain and more complex than rim or drum brakes. Not quite; cantis, at
least for the masses? Getting the effing little cable hook re-attached on V
brakes? Drum brakes? *Drum brakes?*

Also: " they're only slightly less maddening than a chain case to remove
and replace a wheel.  I've yet to do so without a work stand and tools,
since the caliper has required re-centering every time the rear wheel is
replaced.  Rim and drum brakes don't have this problem, and they can be
used with existing framesets."

What world is he from? That's bogus! At least, it applies only to an
alternative universe. It's easier to remove and re-install a wheel with all
the discs I've used, than with cantis or V brakes and this with rear-ward
facing dropouts, too. True, you need a certain finesse -- you can't just
shove the damned thing in anywhichway, but it's certainly no harder than
getting a 32 mm tire in between the pads of a caliper brake.

But I do really think that, on the whole, he gives discs their due.

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Garth <> wrote:

> Here's another perspective on the pro/con .
>   The more I acquaint myself with disc brakes pros and cons I can see
> where GP is coming from in not offering discs. For the intended uses and
> ride qualities of a frame of his design yeah, I can where there would be
> some changes required that do not agree with this.  It's just not as simple
> as slapping on disc mounts as is.
>   So the merits/demerits of disc brakes along is not the matter here, it's
> "are they suitable for intention GP has for his frame designs ?"
>    Well gee, who am I to question what someone else intends ?   Laughable
> !...... utterly Laughable !!!
> --
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Patrick Moore
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