Hey Bunch, 

As I'm putting together a new build, I realized that my Nitto 32f front 
rack and Wald 137 basket aren't going to play nicely with my 40cm wide drop 
bars. *If *I can squeeze the basket between the brake levers, there won't 
be any room for fingers. :( I ride a smaller frame, so positioning the top 
of the basket below the hooks won't work either.

Is anyone using a smaller basket -- something 10-12 inches wide?

A boxy bag is another option, but in for a penny, in for a pound. They are 
expensive. I'd like to stick with the basket. My other bikes have baskets 
and it makes it very convenient to use my Riv shop sack with each of them.

I thought about turning the basket 90 degrees, but I think that'd give the 
unsupported end of the basket a bit of a diving board action.



Arlington, VA

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