Hi all:

Here, at least I think, is a pretty funny story.  I was riding in
Sparkill, NY today going up a short but steep hill on my Rambouillet
set up in credit card touring mode.  A guy on a Trek Madone pulls
along side me, and with a hint of condensation says, "Wow, nice bell
on that bike", referring to the bell that Rivendell sells.  I ring it
for him and tell him I agree.  I do not know what got into me....maybe
hypoxia from climbing the hill...., I then tell him the bike has a
nice horn too and proceed to break wind.  A long loud one.   At this
point, we both start laughing so hard that neither of us can pedal up
the incline and both get off to push the bikes up the incline laughing
non-stop.  We both promised to try to meet up to go on a ride at some

Goes to show you....can't judge a book by its cover.


Demarest, NJ
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