Me too. Or, better: I too!

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Philip Kim <> wrote:

> ooh, i would love to see a picture of the curt goodrich custom!
> On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 1:31:31 PM UTC-4, Ryan Fleming wrote:
>> Interesting thread!
>> Bikes I think are elegant ,practical and I will ride and are special
>> Nothing I have to go into debt for...if I want a bike I'll save for it
>> and buy  once other obligations are met. The expectation and parts picking
>> are all part of the fun
>> I have sold bikes for a reasonable sum that another would ride (87
>> Rossin, 85 M500 Cannondale) that I  no longer needed or wanted
>> My N bikes
>> *Elegant mutts*
>> 1993 X0-1 fairly close to original spec. 24 years and still going strong.
>> When I had my bike accident where I ended up with the L1 crushed vertebrae,
>> bike was unscathed except for a scrape on the side of the saddle.
>> fact I took my first ride on it since my accident last fall . Both bike and
>> rider are just fine, thank the fates
>> 1974 PX-10 set up as an SS w moustache bars
>> *The queens (not garage queens)*
>> 1997 Riv allrounder
>> 2001 Curt Goodrich built Riv custom road bike
>> 2017 Mark Nobilette Custom
>> At this point I don't have an N+ 1....well maybe a ladies' Clem
>> When I shuffle off this mortal coil , I'll want them out in the world
>> where they'll be ridden and loved.  I am not in the least bit  morbid or
>>  anything but they are a legacy that I have to consider. I wonder how you
>> guys feel about that. Purely a speculative question
>> On Monday, April 3, 2017 at 10:24:18 AM UTC-5, Bob K. wrote:
>>> Hey Folks:
>>> I know threads somewhat similar to this pop up every now and again, but
>>> Ryan's question to Eric in the Rivendell Road SOLD thread made me wonder
>>> how folks settle on their stable size. I fall squarely in the minimalist
>>> camp, but I'm guessing others here probably don't. So:
>>> 1. How do you settle on what N equals for you? (N+1, I know, I know...)
>>> 2. What bikes do you currently own/have in regular rotation and why do
>>> you own them?
>>> My stable is currently at one because of a recent sale, but it will
>>> (soon) bump back up to two. I settled on two as the acceptable number of
>>> bikes for a number of reasons, but mostly because I can't imagine riding
>>> enough to justify having any more of them. We also don't have the space for
>>> me to store any additional bikes aside from in a somewhat humid basement,
>>> and neither my wife nor myself would appreciate more bikes in the corner of
>>> the living room as we're not big fans of clutter, especially clutter that
>>> doesn't get used very often.
>>> Current Stable:
>>> 1. 2009 Sam Hillborne (canti): Used mostly for road riding and touring
>>> and some occasional single track and forest roads if the ride
>>> allows/inspires it.
>>> 2. 2017 Surly Troll: I settled on the new Troll after a lengthy
>>> flirtation with the idea of buying a Crust Evasion and other bikes as well.
>>> I decided the Troll is better for my needs for a number of reasons: the
>>> geometry readily accepts a Jones H-Bar, 2x is easy vs. not doable at all
>>> with the Evasion, and my desired 26x3.0 setup doesn't require the need for
>>> expensive cranksets. It's also $300 cheaper and I like the maroon better
>>> than the also admittedly pretty Evasion color. It will take the place of my
>>> erstwhile Krampus as my mountain bike, off-road tourer, long distance
>>> tourer (if/when I get to do that!), kid trailer, and stuff hauler.
>>> How about you?
>>> Bob K. in Baltimore
>>> --
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