" So a new bike would be redundant."

you say that like it's a bad thing.  *N-PLUS-ONE!!!*

On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 11:29:42 AM UTC-8, dougP wrote:
> I'll second that.  Whenever I yearn for a new bike, I can never think of 
> anything that I do that my Atlantis can't handle (granted, my demands are 
> not great).  So a new bike would be redundant.
> BTW, Clayton, there's a list member in Canada who often posts photos from 
> his snow camping S240s on his Atlantis.  So snow shouldn't be an 
> impediment.  Easy for me to say; I've never lived with the stuff.
> dougP
> On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 4:55:48 AM UTC-8, RichS wrote:
>> Clayton, bravo to you! And a passionate case for the venerable Atlantis.
>> Regards,
>> Richard
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 7, 2017, at 8:51 PM, 'Clayton' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Reid, 
>> Because....It's an Atlantis. If Grant quit selling the *perfect* bike, I 
>> would have such an anxiety attack, that it would be fatal. (He can't kill 
>> me....He has a conscience.)  He can't quit selling them either, it would be 
>> like an ice cream store that didn't serve Rocky Road, or a pretty girl who 
>> refuses to smile, or a springtime without flowers.  Rivendell just wouldn't 
>> be Rivendell without the Atlantis. I bought mine in '98-ish (Toyo) and have 
>> ridden it almost daily ever since (except downtime from surgeries and ALL 
>> THIS FRICKING SNOW) . It is just one of those things that happens.... I 
>> have had three back surgeries, (12 total) and my Atlantis is more 
>> comfortable than my old Easy Racer recumbent... True story... 
>> Clayton (Bendite)
>> On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 8:07:18 PM UTC-8, Reid wrote:
>>> Just read the latest Blug that goes on about the Appaloosa. Seems to 
>>> make the case that the Appaloosa is better for touring in many cases than 
>>> the Atlantis, and better for a wider variety of terrain. So why retain the 
>>> Atlantis?
>>> Reid
>>> -- 
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