Yes! Thanks for the anecdote. We had a Repair Cafe 
<> in town recently. Definitely satisfying to get 
something going again, or keep it well-maintained. My job involves selling 
used goods, many of which would otherwise end up as landfill, or sitting at 
the bottom of the ocean.

On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 9:24:51 AM UTC-5, Stephen Kemp wrote:
> I just greased and adjusted the bearings in my left pedal (I was going to 
> say left-hand pedal but the pedants among you already have enough to go on) 
> and now it feels mighty fine.
> It had got a bit tight and was trying to turn under my foot as I pedalled. 
> I had that feeling I guess a lot of us have when things start to misbehave: 
> this could be an opportunity to purchase something nice… They’re cheapish 
> BMX pedals I took off a bike that came to me used. I’ve serviced them a 
> number of times. I’ve had good use out of them. I’d be perfectly justified 
> in getting a pair of RMX pedals or maybe some plastic BMX pedals in a funky 
> colour. But hang on, I have had these pedals for years. There’s nothing 
> really wrong with them that a quick service wouldn't fix. 15 mins later and 
> it’s sorted. The bike feels smooth and all is well again.
> A simple solution and a simple pleasure.

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  • [RBW] Mend and make do 'Stephen Kemp' via RBW Owners Bunch
    • [RBW] Re: Mend and make do 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch

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