Patrick: That's not my fender line..Bike Flights packed it that way and I only 
installed the front. The short answer to how I remove the rear wheel is..I 
guess I'll find out eventually! Longer: The rods slide into those 
rod-receiver-thingys, which clamp down on the rods when the bolts are snugged. 
My first attempt would be to loosen the clamps and bend the fender back to pop 
the wheel out. If that turns out to be a headache for a flat fix, I'll ditch 
the fenders; I'm not absolutely committed to fenders.

Gearing is 39-17, which I'll let you do your gear-inch thing for. I brought the 
bike to the care home I work/live at during the week, so I won't be climbing my 
monster hill with it. The spacing is 120, so it won't fit that 3-speed we 
discussed, plus I'm not going to need gears here. I'm kinda digging the simple, 
light vibe with this one with all the Paul goodies sprinkled about. Everything 
else I own is either multispeed or electric or both, and none of them qualify 
as particularly light by modern standards. 

Yes, I believe the toptube tape was there to block the flared dropbar it came 
with. I'm not normally a fan of wrapping toptubes, but Nate did a lovely job 
with it and the Paul levers are in range of that tube, too, so I'm keeping it. 
Neat bike, eh?

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