Not sure if I missed it in an earlier post, but anyone know why Riv would
help SOMA  on a new frame that essentially hits the same price-point as
Riv¹s new Taiwan-made frames?

Not that I¹m against collaboration, just trying to understand the business
rationale, and wondering how many $1000 lugged country bikes the market will
bear (luckily, that number seems to be growing).


On 1/9/10 9:24 AM, "James Dinneen" <> wrote:

> Thanks for the pictures. Do we have any explanation of the bikes intended
> purpose (fast road, touring, all round country bike)?          Jim D.
> Massachusetts
> --- On Sat, 1/9/10, CycloFiend <> wrote:
>> From: CycloFiend <>
>> Subject: Re: [RBW] SOMA Riv. Prototyp pics
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 10:19 AM
>> on 1/9/10 2:21 AM, Jason at
>> </mc/compose?>  wrote:
>>> > I was at RivHQ on Friday and the prototype frame was laying around.
>>> > They said they didn't mind pictures, so here they are:
>>> > 
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> > This is a prototype frame, so it may be changing. They said the
>>> > thinking right now is a frame in the $1,000 range, an upward sloping
>>> > top tube, so fewer sizes (or at least that's what I heard, it was
>>> > early).
>> Thanks for sharing those here.  That's an interesting looking frame - good
>> practical dropouts with fender and rack bosses, 2 way attachment options at
>> the seatstay bridge, good hardy braze-ons for the upper rack mount, downtube
>> shifter bosses....
>> It will be interesting to see how it comes together.
>> - Jim

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