Patrick Moore asked two questions.  Others were implied but I think these 
were the three he sincerely meant to ask:

1.  do slack angles and therefore (all else equal) saddles well back of bb, 
work better with upright positions?

In my humble opinion, no.  I use the full length mirror to illustrate. 
 Stand in front of the full length mirror, sideways.  Bolt upright your 
head is stacked over your shoulders, down through your spine and hips down 
to your feet.  Keep your spine straight and bend forward.  As you bend 
forward reach your relaxed arms towards imaginary handlebars.  As you reach 
for various different handlebar positions, and different spine and arm 
positions, look at what your hips are doing.  The further down you reach 
and the further away you reach, the further back your hips need to go. 
 Slack angles allow you to get your hips back more easily.  An upright 
position doesn't need to have your hips get so far back.  

2.  Or perhaps, an upright position works best with a rearward saddle and 
thus slack angles?

In my opinion, this is incorrect.  Its the opposite.  You don't need to 
slam your saddle back on an upright.  You need to get your hips back with a 
sporting riding position.  The case for a steep STA is for an aero riding 
position with aero bars where you rest substantial weight on your forearms. 

P.S.  Grant wrote two things about saddle slamming.   First, he noticed 
that everybody slams their Brooks saddles all the way back, because Brooks 
saddles have very short rails.  Rivendell pretty much single handedly kept 
Brooks afloat for a while before Brooks became hipster-tweed-cool.  Grant 
wanted to offer frames that did not require 100% of people to slam their 
Brooks saddles all the way back and handwring that they couldn't go 
farther.  Second, Grant thinks a long setback seatpost and a slammed all 
the way back saddle just doesn't look good.  On all my Rivendells, the 
saddle is very near the middle of the rails, with normal setback posts, and 
I think that's a nice look.  That's why Rivendells' "long" top tubes are 
not actually all that long, because you are running your saddle farther 

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

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