Hi Austin -

I've only seen three attempted posts from you so far (at least if you were
using this email account.)

There was a comment in a B17 thread which got passed through, this one -
also passed through - and another one right afterwards lamenting that your
posts weren't going through.

As I post on the main page of the group - all new members are moderated,
and the quickest way is to email me directly.

Hope that answers your concerns.

- Jim

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Austin ^ <orangecrane2...@gmail.com>

> I try to post stuff and it just goes straight into the void - sits in
> "waiting for moderation" then I can only assume has been deleted. No idea
> why, doesn't happen on other groups, can only assume this one is a little
> more grouchy and stand offish?
> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 9:37:04 AM UTC-7, Jim Edgar wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity Jim,
>>> How does one go about requesting to be taken off moderation?
>> Simplest way is to contact me via email. That instruction is in the group
>> message that should appear when you view the list online.
>> The less precise way is to contribute good quality stuff.  Usually after
>> I see two or three such posts flow through the moderation queue from the
>> same person, it finally dawns on me to update their status.
>> - Jim
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Jim Edgar / cyclofiend.com / @cyclofiend

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