A bike from a Father is a nice touch and a lucky son indeed. Very happy for 
your son and you Erl. Continue to enjoy the family bike rides I know I did 
as a youth with my Dad & Mom.



On Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 10:06:40 AM UTC-7, WETH wrote:
> When Rivendell announced the Rosco Bubbe project I didn't pay much 
> attention.  I had all the bikes I needed!  Or so I told myself and continue 
> to tell myself everyday!  Slowly an idea took root and grew as I 
> periodically followed the Rosco Bubbe project.  My eldest son was 
> outgrowing his bike and at the age of 16 had reached almost full height. 
>  The sizing of the first run of Roscos fit me perfectly and had a PBH range 
> that would fit my son even if he grew from his current one inch shorter 
> than I to one inch taller.  Of course, should he grow more than that,  I'll 
> have to ride it! :)
> I showed him the Rosco Bubbe tumblr site, and he liked the bike and the 
> overall concept of the Rosco project.  I took a leap of faith and placed my 
> deposit for one of the 13 Rosco Bubbes.  (When dealing with Rivendell, it 
> really isn't a leap of faith.  They know what they're doing!) The bike, 
> #11,  arrived earlier than I expected and was painted an awesome matte 
> green.  From my parts bin and off my son's old bike came most of the 
> components.  New Little Big Bens, new Tektro R559 brakes, and a new 26.8 
> seatpost made Rosco road ready. The fenders, off his old bike, still need 
> to be tweaked a bit.
> I have ridden it a few miles-I had to test it didn't I?-and it rides so 
> smoothly.  There is no twitchiness in the handling.  This must be the long 
> chain stay effect I have read others praising.  I will certainly be 
> borrowing this bike from my son!  A card accompanied the frame explaining 
> the history of the Rosco Bubbe line of bikes, and the card had been signed 
> on the back by many Riv employees- a nice touch!
> Pictures here show I assembled a Rosco Bubbe for my son's 16th birthday: 
> https://flickr.com/photos/86975051@N08/sets/72157671323031306
> Erl
> Kensington, MD

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