I don't remember too many of the questions now, something like 'what is the
craziest city for bicycling' or 'what is the future of cycling'.
PineTarSoap's description is pretty accurate, he comes off in person as a
pretty dry, sarcastic, funny guy who lucked into making money off the blog
(he actually did have a funny anecdote about this - with the blog writing
being a step up from his day job), and his answers to the questions
reflected that. You can see him hesitate a little bit on each question,
thinking 'how the hell am i going to answer that?!?!'

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:06 PM, PineTarSoap <ericsb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I went as well and the above descriptions are accurate. His blog
> (BikeSnobNYC) is hilarious and while I go months forgetting to look at it,
> whenever I do, I am always very amused. His focus is bikes of course, but
> you wouldn't have to be that into bikes to enjoy it. He is simply a good
> writer.
> You sort of expect him to have some sort of life plan or be on a mission
> about bicycles, but what comes out when he speaks is that he is just a guy
> who fell into writing a blog that became a hit and his world is about
> amusing vignettes rather than crusading for bicycle advocacy.
> Grant's rambling but hilarious anecdote about the traffic ticket stole the
> show for me however!
> On Monday, June 20, 2016 at 9:35:15 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Lungimsam: I think the movie was a Grant thing. It's his vibe, and Eben
>> isn't old enough to remember it ;)
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