I'm really enjoying these suggestions.  Thank you all for taking the time 
to respond.

I'll be in Sacramento the last week of July.  My day to play is Saturday, 
July 30.  I assume this puts me right in the heart of busy tourist time.

A few of my friends suggested renting a car and traveling to the Napa wine 
country or to Muir's Woods, but the idea of driving at all - much less on a 
Saturday - has absolutely no appeal.  I'm pretty happy to use public 

I do really like Kurt's suggestion to take the ferry from Oakland to San 
Francisco.  That in itself should be an enjoyable experience.  The idea of 
renting a bike (bike share program, I assume) and then wheeling around the 
city sounds cool - especially going over the Golden Gate Bridge.  This 
seems like a very fun-filled, human-speed approach to seeing what the city 
has to offer.  

If I follow Kurt's suggestion, do you still think it would be possible to 
visit Rivendell?  If I get up really early and take an early train from 
Sacramento, I probably could arrive in Walnut Creek around the time that 
the store opens.  From my google-mapping (is that a real term), it looks 
like I should be able to walk from the BART station to both the 
headquarters building and to the new Bike, Book and Hatchet store.  If I 
got back on the train sometime between 12 - 1 and headed for Oakland, it 
would seem to me that I would still have a lot of time to explore San 
Francisco by bike.  Am I crazy to think this way?

Would I really be able to borrow a bike at Riv that I could ride to Mt. 
Diablo?  That seems really cool?  I assume that I would need to contact 
them ahead of time to see if a bike was available.  I couldn't possibly 
just show up, say hello, and then ask to borrow a bike for a few hours, 
could I?  

Obviously I have a lot more thinking, and reading to do.  Obviously I have 
a lot of time before I need to decide what to do.  I've paged though some 
tourism web site and will likely pick up a guidebook for the region as 
well.  However, given all of the local knowledge in this group, I knew that 
you would have tremendous suggestions.

Thanks again.  Keep the good ideas coming!


On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 8:24:41 PM UTC-4, Jim M. wrote:
> One day with the need to make public transit connections will be a big 
> time constraint. The Giants play in a great stadium, and because it's an 
> even year, you'll be seeing them on their way to another world series. If 
> you really want to visit RBW, you could make that a day by borrowing a bike 
> from them (or from a local lister), and taking a ride in the foothills of 
> Mt. Diablo, or all the way up if you're in good shape. It might be a 100 
> degree day in late July, but, hey, it's a dry heat. There are plenty of 
> listers who would volunteer as tour guide should you choose that option. 
> Alcatraz, meh, watch *The Rock* and you'll see most of it. 
> jim m
> wc, ca
> On Monday, May 30, 2016 at 1:32:42 PM UTC-7, SeanMac wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm hoping for some advice for a trip that I will be taking in late 
>> July.  I will be spending a bit more than a week in Sacramento 
>> participating in a seminar for teachers on the Transcontinental Railroad.  
>> The seminar ends on a Friday evening, but I decided to extend my visit a 
>> bit so that I have a day to play / explore before getting on a train to 
>> head home (to Buffalo, NY) on Sunday morning.
>> I'm a Midwestern boy - never having ventured west beyond St. Louis, 
>> Missouri.  It is possible that this will be the only time that I will ever 
>> be in California, so I am looking for advice about what I should do on a 
>> Saturday in late July.
>> One option, of course, is to visit Riv headquarters in Walnut Creek.  I 
>> certainly am considering doing just that.  I'd love comments regarding how 
>> high this should be on my list of things to do (yes, I know that this list 
>> is pretty biased).  I've also thought about attending a Giants baseball 
>> game, or simply walking around Fisherman's Wharf / Ghiradelli Square in 
>> downtown San Francisco.  A few friends have also suggested a visit to 
>> Alcatraz.
>> The only real constraint that I have is that I will need to rely on 
>> public transportation to get from Sacramento to wherever I decide to go.  I 
>> also would love to be back in Sacramento before it gets too late on 
>> Saturday so that I can make my train home on Sunday morning.
>> Thanks for your suggestions.  Please respond off list to :  
>> sean...@gmail.com
>> Sean

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