Looks very nice Steve :-)
I better start looking for touchup nail polish for my Atlantis!

On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 6:47 AM, islaysteve <alkire...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I finally tracked down one of the nail polishes recommended in
> cyclofiends's Bleriot webpage, thought I'd share what I found.  Sally
> Hansen Marine Scene is the color.  It's discontinued, as are the other two
> recommended (NYC 241 and Maybelline).  The Sally Hansen polish is the only
> one that I found to be available on Amazon.  The full info is:  Sally
> Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme wear #4860-19 (top of cap says 19 Marine
> Scene.  I found it to be a very close match.  The vendor that comes up in
> an Amazon search says there are 8 left in stock.  Cost shown is $5.38 with
> free shipping (I paid slightly less).
> There are probably contemporary brands/colors that will also work.  I
> would suggest looking at O.P.I. polishes which seem to be pretty available
> and have one or two colors that look close, to my eye.  Anyway...
> A few tips:
> --I cleaned the area to be touched up with pure acetone.  I think it
> dulled the finish there a bit, nothing major but I wouldn't recommend using
> this, but perhaps rubbing alcohol instead.  If you use a separate brush,
> you can clean the brush in acetone.
> --On advice from my wife, I used Sally Hansen Hard as Nails (clear) both
> as a base coat and top coat.  With two coats of color, this does make for a
> thicker touchup area.  It's up to you whether to go this route.
> --Nail polish seems pretty thin.  Shake up the bottle very well before you
> paint.  The first coat probably won't cover deep scratches or chips
> completely, so let that dry thoroughly and coat again.  If you're very
> particular you may want to get a very tiny brush from an art supply place
> and use instead of the supplied brush.  The supplied brush does pretty well
> if you're careful.
> Here are a Before and After picture.  The scratches were deep and were
> from a Hupe.  If you think it looked better Before, well, we just don't
> need to hear about that, do we?  ; - )
> Cheers, Steve
> --
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