Hello Conway,
 I responded privately.
 - Frank

On Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 6:55:43 PM UTC-5, frank_a wrote:
>  Hi All,
> All I ever use is a Candy bar Bag and small saddle pouch so these are up 
> for sale:
> Baggins Hobo bag in nice condition. I always wanted one of these, bought 
> it a while ago but still haven't used it.
> $85, shipped (CONUS)
> Baggins Boxy Bag with Nitto rack. Looks used and sort of rough, has a 
> small area where the leather binding has come away from the fabric but it's 
> a well made bag and works fine. Looks cool too!. I'll include plastic 
> stiffeners for the back and sides.
> $95, shipped (CONUS)
> Carradice Zipped Roll. Nice shape. The seams look worse in the photos that 
> they really are, they are solid.
> $35, shipped (CONUS)
>  Please look the photos over and let me know if interested, . Paypal is 
> best.
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/8531240@N06/albums/72157664321406299
>  Thanks,
>  - Frank

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