on 11/29/09 8:28 PM, i.e. at ien...@gmail.com wrote:

> After several years of visits to RBW headquarters, drooling over the
> Readers, and a couple of Riv-ish bike builds, I'm proud to say that
> I'll be a Quickbeam owner by the end of the week!

Congratulations!  The Quickbeam is a stunningly adaptable and wonderful

> I've managed to score an orange QB frameset and I'm having the folks
> at Rivendell build it up for me.  I was planning to go with a stock
> build (I really like and want to honor the original concept), plus a
> front rack, basket, and fenders.  I do have a couple of questions to
> put to the group, though, before I go through with my plans:
> 1) Have any of you ridden with a fixed cog on flip side of the stock
> hub?  Is it safe without a lockring and with the quick release?  Have
> you experienced any slippage?  I wouldn't be doing any skid or skip
> stops with two brakes, but I would probably be doing some back-pedal
> braking when riding fixed.

I ride mine pretty exclusively in fixed gear mode when on the roads around
the north SF Bay Area.  Decent selection of topography and conditions. I
used a spare bottom bracket lockring which I had, on the argument that it
would be difficult to get the two items to spin at the same time.  Rode it
hard once, then tightened the lockring once and it hasn't been issue.
Better yet, it even came off when I wanted to replace it. I don't skip/skid
stop, but do apply moderate back pressure now and again.

If you are using a quality steel QR, slippage should be minimal.

> 2) Seeing as this a build-up project, I have the opportunity to tweak
> the stock build as much as I like (or can afford).  Is there anything
> you modified later that you wish had come on the stock bike?  Any tips
> appreciated.

There are a number of Quickbeams which are aggregated here -


The Nitto Mini-front rack is a great addition.  Easy on/off.
Jack Brown tires (dunno if those are stock).
When setting up fenders, I'd leave the stays long in the rear until you are
sure it will fit the low/low setting.  I used a set of the plastic fender
QR's in the back, thinking I'd need the room for remounting the tire, but
I'm not sure that's necessary.

There's a fixed gear ride around Paradise on Dec 5th, if it's up and running
by then. 

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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"That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of grace."

William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"


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