Easy Out Screw Bolt Extractor to get remaining to evacuate portion of dust 
cap remaining in pedal housing
VP Components produces pedal rebuild kits specific to the pedal model.   
They include bearings, axle nuts, and dust caps.  You can can check the 
locator on the VP Components web site or just web search VP Vice Pedal 
Rebuild Kit.

Hope that helps.


On Saturday, December 26, 2015 at 11:20:59 AM UTC-8, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Ideas? Servicing my 4 VP Vice pedals I get to the 4th one and this happens 
> (dust cap sheered off 1/2 way, half of it remaining in there):
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Aw7WmkW8xNA/Vn7oZEfG0VI/AAAAAAAAAmw/HxmiZgxlVPo/s1600/IMG_6909.jpg>

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