Well, Kathy and I are back home in San Francisco.  Had a wonderful feast with 
26 people attending, 10 of them under age 8.  As I mentioned in the earlier 
message, I rode my Quickbeam from home in San Francisco to my oldest son's home 
in San Mateo. They hosted T-Day this year. Kathy drove down in the truck and 
after I arrived I threw the QB in the bed, freshened up, and enjoyed the rest 
of the day in pretty typical fashion: eating, visiting, wrestling little kids, 
and footbal.  

I pretty much stayed to the usual route on the ride down the peninsula. That is 
Great Highway in SF to Skyline, Sawyer Camp Trail, Crystal Springs Reservoir, 
Canada Road to Woodside.  From Woodside, dropped down out of the hills into the 
flats of Redwood City, then skirted SF Bay back north to San Mateo.  45 miles 
on the day.  Saw LOTS of people out riding, jogging, walking the dog, etc. 
Everyone getting ready for the feast, just like me. It was fun. It was a very 
moderate day, and I was clad in the basic 'Dellian Cult attire.  I wasn't in 
full regulation uniform, however. True Dellians can ding me for wearing a crash 
helmet, wool knickers with SEWN-IN pad, and cleated mountain biking shoes.  
Other than these demerits, I pretty much looked like any other RBW disciple.  
Certainly the Quickbeam did. Hope the rest of you had as good a day as I did.

Not the best pix, but here they are:


--- On Thu, 11/26/09, Esteban <proto...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Esteban <proto...@gmail.com>
Subject: [RBW] Re: Thanksgiving Rides with Quickbeams (and one w/ new Zugster  
To: "RBW Owners Bunch" <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 8:14 PM

Nice to know we were all out there on our single speed.  That makes
"3" speed so far rolling on Thanksgiving.

Bruce - I have one of the Acorn Bags you describe - top knotch!

On Nov 26, 6:55 pm, Angus <angusle...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Estaban,
> Very nice photographs.  Glamor shots indeed!
> The Quickbeam is certainly a wonderful bicycle.
> Angus
> On Nov 26, 12:54 pm, Esteban <proto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Took a little pre-feast spin on the Quickbeam this morning.  I would
> > be remiss in not mentioning that this is a wonderful, perfect
> > bicycle!  I also took some glamor shots, as the QB had its new bags on
> > for the first time: Zugster medium Rando Bag and Tool Pouch.  Adam is
> > a master bag maker, for sure.  I would highly recommend getting on his
> > wait list.  Of course, I heard about the available bag right here on
> > the list!  Adam mentioned that some retailer in Japan just bought up
> > all his tool bags.
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/sets/72157622881252990/
> > Thanksgiving can be a good time to think on craft - food, bicycles,
> > bags -- all the things that are made with old-world thoughtfulness and
> > care.  Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving!
> > Esteban
> > San Diego, Calif.


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