It is my understanding that the Compass 1.75 tires have a casing that is 
much more similar to the standard RTP casing.  I expect the difference in 
width will dwarf the casing difference.  In terms of equivalence I think 
you picked the right model (the standard RTP).  

On Monday, September 28, 2015 at 4:33:27 PM UTC-7, iamkeith wrote:
> Would anyone happen to know how the older "Compass" 26x1.75 tires compare, 
> in terms of equivalency, to the standard and extra-light casing versions 
> of the Rat Trap Pass tires?   The website doesn't really say, and I haven't 
> gotten a response to an email inquiry to Jan.   
> I  bought a pair of the standard-casing skinwall variety, to 
> experimentally replace the Compass tires that I've been very happy with, on 
> my All Rounder.  But I neglected to consider that I might like the current 
> tires because they were more equivalent to the extra-light version, without 
> realizing it.   Thought I should try to figure it out before I open the 
> packages and mount them, in case I want to switch.
> Thanks

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