Quick roll call, I see a John and his wife coming and a possible Manny from 
this thread (and a few more from the other thread on the Bay Area Rivendell 
Riders group). We're also meeting DougP +1  around start of the GG bridge 
and they are sticking to pavement, so if anyone wants to split off with 
them to do an all pavement ride that's a good option.

Meet in front of Gott's at the fairy building. I should be there by 9:30, 
but could be 15 minutes late, BART can be a little iffy on the weekends due 
to track maintenance. It's supposed to be hot, and there's no shade in the 
headlands, so bring lots of water and sunscreen. Lots of climbing too, 

The route I posted isn't totally accurate, one of the trails (Wolf Ridge) 
is not a bike trail, so now I'm thinking of going Miwok/Old Springs trails 
to Tennessee Valley and then Maricello/Bobcat trail back to Bunker Road 
(for the unpaved stuff). There is a 1 mile downhill section (Old Springs) 
that is a little steep with lots of wooden steps. Everything else is pretty 
smooth fireroad. If anyone has some route ideas let me know. 

On Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 11:26:02 AM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote:
> If the wifey isnt doing better i might join solo. I have a route in mind 
> that is fairly short and fun.
> Otherwise We'll see you at the picnic 
> On Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 7:58:50 AM UTC-7, dstein wrote:
>> Absolutely. All bike are welcome.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 14, 2015, at 7:35 PM, John Grady <jgrad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to come.  I have a Sam Hillborne, my wife rides a Handsome 
>> Cycles She Devil.  Are non-Rivendells welcome?
>> On Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 9:08:49 PM UTC-7, dstein wrote:
>>> Quick heads up to anyone who is not watching the Bay Area Rivendell 
>>> Riders Group, there is a 9/20 Marin headlands ride starting at 9:30 from 
>>> the ferry building (in front of Gott's) and ending around 1-ish at Crissy 
>>> Field for the Rivendell Bicycle Picnic from 1-4 featured on the Blug. First 
>>> version of the route here: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/10349080. 
>>> Totally open to suggestions for anyone joining that knows the area better 
>>> than I do. PM if interested in meeting up.
>> -- 
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