As a coda to this thread, and a final recommendation for these brakes:
about an hour ago I was pushing Paul Racers about as hard as a brake
can be pushed, and they were just stellar.  Again, I'll recommend the
Velo-Orange brake pad combination.

Just finished my typical midweek ride, on Los Alamos road.  Profile

Coming down the middle section, about 16%, I let the Pereira fly,
moved my 100kg mass back on the saddle, then braked hard hard hard
coming into a series of S-turns.  The brakes were just superb,
fabulous power and modulation.  Absolutely silent with the Velo-Orange
brake pads.

Sure, you skinny guys may wax us going up, but a steep downhill with
Pauls is pure fun for us Clydes.

I've ridden this particular hill maybe 200x in the last few years,
with every kind of brake - Paul and Shimano cantis, short pull
Campagnolos, standard reach Ultegras, old Nuovo Recods, and Modolo
Pro's (all right, admittedly no Mafacs).  The Pauls just slay them

at the end of the ride, a tip of the flask to Paul.

On Nov 11, 11:19 am, Steve Palincsar <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 07:50 -0800, JoelMatthews wrote:
> > Is that the Toei stradle hanger or the VO?
> VO.  Just as pretty and LOTS less expensive.
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