Yeah I saw a few of those. thanks everyone for the recommendation. The
surly would indeed be a bit too big but I definitely appreciate the offer.
I also looked into a case to bring my bike, which would come in handy for
future travel, but that seems like a whole other can of worms and wad of
cash i'm not willing to spend right now (with used bike boxes being the
cheapest option but not for lugging it around trains back and forth to the
airport, or cramming in small sedans when people pick you up and you have a
big ole box with you).

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 1:40 PM, islaysteve <> wrote:

> Some shops that come up in a search are:  Revolution Cycles (Rockville or
> Twinbrook station, ask them), Hudson Trail Outfitters (Twinbrook or a White
> Flint) and Big Wheel Bicycles(bethesda station).  All or on the Red Line,
> close to Twinbrook. Of course, call first and make sure they have what you
> need.
> Cheers, Steve
> --
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